Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Month #1 - Week #4 - Balance

Month #1 Week #4

Our Monthly Attribute for December is: Flexibility

Welcome to our fourth and final week of this month to work on our Flexibility.

By now, we should really be seeing some progress! We have this final week to solidify our gains and to finalize the creation of our habit regarding a daily Flexibility routine. Remember again… Consistency is paramount! We've worked hard to get here and this attribute, in particular, is one that is especially susceptible to loss without practice. Ignoring this attribute is simply not an option as long as we want to remain active & functionally sufficient (able to take care of ourselves).

As a special focus on Flexibility this week three, we will again:
  • Start each session with some dynamic mobility movements.
  • Pay special attention throughout class on movement quality and note deficiencies requiring special attention. 
  • End each session with Yoga inspired movements with a mind towards individual modifications as needed.
  • We will wrap up on Friday with a repeat of our baseline tests we began the month with to quantify the progress we've gained:
    • Senior Fitness "Chair Sit and Reach"  
    • Senior Fitness "Back Scratch" 
    • FMS Single Leg Raise
    • FMS Squat Assesment
    • Trunk Rotation Test.

Our Weekly Attribute for Week #4 is: Balance

The attribute of Balance is one of the most important facets of a successful program for our age group.The types of work and play that are requisite for maintaining our balance through the years are often neglected for decades at a time. We need to work on this forgotten skill until we again feel comfortable enough to utilize our balance in a variety of tasks we may be called upon in our daily lives. i.e. - Putting on a pair of socks without sitting.

This week we will be engaging our balance skills through various stepping routines, walking lines, hopping tests, single foot drills, obstacle courses and various lunging & twisting challenges.

Your "Lifestyle Application" of Balance
The attribute of balance is best challenged through activities that fall into the realm of "play" and the list is long:

  • Riding a Bike
  • Ice Skating
  • Roller Skating
  • Roller Blading
  • Skateboarding
  • Skiing
  • Surfing
  • Wind Surfing
  • Stand Up Paddleboard
  • Water Skiing
  • Dancing
  • Slack Lining
  • Yoga

And while these activities incorporate our balance in their execution, as a lifestyle, we can always be mindful to challenge ourselves to look for opportunities to test our balance. We can, for example, work our balance throughout our day by standing on one foot while in line at the bank or tackling that balance beam we come across while walking in a park or playground. Perhaps in tying our shoes or putting on our socks (After practice and with all safety in mind, of course!). I'd LOVE to hear any of your additional recommendations on how to utilize our sense of balance on a daily basis.

Our Three Daily Attributes This Week

Our challenge here will again, without question, be one of time management! So much to get to!
  • On Monday (day 1), Agility - Bringing out the agility ladder once more... Plan on single leg hops and holds.
  • On Wednesday (day 2), We will touch on the attribute of Power - Jumping, high steps, throwing & kicking will most likely be in store.
  • On Friday (day 3) - Accuracy - For accuracy and balance we'll have some time with the obstacle course and we'll make sure to have time to wrap up our month of Flexibility with our metrics tests.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Month #1 - Week #3 - Coordination

Month #1 Week #3

Our Monthly Attribute for December is: Flexibility

Welcome to the third week of December! Our entire monthly focus has been centered around the attribute of Flexibility.

As we continue to work on developing our own personal routine for daily Flexibility, we should be starting to see some real results. Remember… Consistency is paramount! Remember as well, that we’re looking at gentle effort over longer periods of time. There is no hurry here, we’re in this for the long haul and small, regular, consistent progress is safe progress. Whether this is a morning routine, an evening routine, or something after your workout, lets see if we can’t engage this attribute on all or most of our days from this point forward. This is an important attribute and worthy of our time and effort.

As a special focus on Flexibility this week three, we will again:

  • Start each session with some dynamic mobility movements.
  • Pay special attention throughout class on movement quality and note deficiencies requiring special attention. 
  • End each session with Yoga inspired movements with a mind towards individual modifications as needed.

Our Weekly Attribute for Week #3 is: Coordination

I do not believe our loss of coordination as we age is as much of a physiological one as it is due to lack of use. Unfortunately, those of us over the age of 55 seldom engage the two most significant areas to consider regarding the development and maintenance of coordination:
  1. When we first learn new movements or skills to accomplish a new task or job (after the task is learned, muscle memory takes over and it’s really not that much of a matter of coordination) 
  2. When we challenge ourselves by participating in various forms of play!
This week, therefore will be filled with opportunity to test our coordination. Plenty of hand/eye coordination opportunities including an introduction to juggling, an introduction to the casual past time of “Hackey Sack” and some different moves on the gym floor and along with our agility ladders.

Your "Lifestyle Application" of Coordination

You can easily include activities that use quick hand/eye movements and tasks that require unique stepping patterns:
  • Any of the racquet/paddle games like Ping Pong, Tennis, Racquetball or Baseball
  • Hackey Sack - Give it some time and you’ll understand why so many young people are attracted to it… (BTW - It is an exceptionally social endeavor).
  • Dancing! - Be it ballroom, jazz, tap, polkas or line dancing. You can even include Tai-Chi sessions in this category. Most forms of dancing will challenge your coordination and keep you sharp.
  • Juggling - Obviously not for everyone but… Wouldn’t it be fun to learn?
  • Learn Magic - While this too is a little unique, perhaps you’d always wanted to try it? Many have found this to be a rewarding and enjoyable pastime or hobby.
Here too, I'm sure there are many more ways to work on developing and/or maintaining our coordination and I'd LOVE to hear any of your additional recommendations.

Our Three Daily Attributes This Week

Our challenge here will again, without question, be one of time management! So much to get to!

  • On Monday (day 1), we also have a double dose of Coordination  since it is both the Weekly and Daily attribute. I will try and fit some moves involving coordination while we work on both our strength AND cardiorespiratory portions of the workout.
  • On Wednesday (day 2), We will touch on the attribute of Balance. There will be more drills with the agility ladder and we will be testing our balance on different surfaces (be prepared to be challenged with our eyes closed for a portion of it)
  • On Friday (day 3) - So, what do we do when both the weekly and daily attribute is Stamina? We’ve yet to talk about this attribute but I can tell you that this will entail some longer effort strength movements (and a pretty good chance of being sore the next day… Glad it’s on a Friday!).

Monday, December 11, 2017

Month #1 Week #2 - Speed

Month #1 Week #2

Our Monthly Attribute for December is: Flexibility

This is the second week of December where our extended focus is on Flexibility.

During this month of December I will continue to convey the importance of gently and consistently addressing our mobility issues on a regular and ongoing basis. We continue to work on determining a personalized routine for each participant to perform on a daily basis(Perhaps as part of a regular morning routine)

As a special focus on Flexibility this week two, we will:

  • Start each session with some dynamic mobility movements.
  • Pay special attention throughout class on movement quality and note deficiencies requiring special attention.
  • End each session with Yoga inspired movements with a mind towards individual modifications as needed.

Our Weekly Attribute for Week #2 is: Speed

Sometimes, as we age, we'll ever so slowly, usually at an imperceptible rate, lose our ability to move quickly. We will touch upon that today and emphasize movements and drills that challenge our overall speed.  We'll work with bouncing balls, the simplest of agility drills to focus on speed and we'll include some lateral shuffle/agility drills to work on thinking of moving faster. We may even visit the "8 Foot Up-and-Go" test which will be one of the metrics we record during our month of Speed

Your "Lifestyle Application" of Speed

You can easily include activities that challenge your sense of speed throughout this coming week. Some simple suggestions would include:
  • A game of Ping Pong.
  • Basketball - No matter if it's a pick up game with friends or some practice of a cross court cdribble and casual shooting, it'll all require speed.
  • Tennis Anyone?
  • Soccer drills in an open field or against a brick wall!
  • Handball or Racquetball
While often times we'll just need an awareness of speed to see improvements (I often find myself moving exceptionally slow while I'm walking or climbing steps). I'm sure there are many more ways to work on maintaining our speed and I'd LOVE to hear your additional recommendations.

Our Three Daily Attributes This Week

Our challenge here will, without question, be one of time management! So much to get to!

  • On Monday (day 1), we'll be exploring the attribute of Power. We'll be doing some ball slams, Med Ball throws and we'll cover some basics about jumping (the secret is in learning to land softly!)
  • On Wednesday (day 2), We will touch on the attribute of Accuracy. There will be more drills with the agility ladder and I have some cone drills to try. We'll do some throwing & tossing as well as an elementary introduction to the art of juggling. We may also work in a quick obstacle course game of "The floor is Lava" (How's that for a blast from our past!?). 
  • On Friday (day 3) - So, what do we do when both the weekly and daily attribute is Speed? I've numerous ways we'll be able to work on our strength and cardiovascular systems and you know with a double element of speed, it's going to be quick!

Monday, December 4, 2017

Month #1, Week #1 - December 2017

Month #1 Week #1

Our Monthly Attribute for December is: Flexibility

It should be first noted that I only include the attributes of Strength, Flexibility and Cardiorespiratory Endurance as monthly attributes at the beginning of our two year cycle. These attributes are particularly important and are included in every workout we do. Initial metrics are valuable and will be regularly revisited throughout the course of the program.

While I feel that the attribute of Strength to be the most valuable of any attribute to a senior 
participant (frailty is the absolute enemy of aging), I find it important to first visit Flexibility in order to properly engage any strength routine.

For metrics regarding flexibility, I use the two standard Senior Fitness Tests "Chair Sit and Reach" test and the "Back Scratch" test. I also include modified elements of the standard Functional Movement Screen (SLR, Squat Assessment) and a Trunk Rotation Test.

During the month of December I will try and teach the importance of gently and consistently addressing our mobility issues on a regular and ongoing basis. We will work on determining a personalized routine for each participant to perform on a daily basis. (Perhaps as part of a regular morning routine)

Our Weekly Attribute for Week #1 is: Accuracy

Accuracy is, without question, one of the most neglected of attributes in any fitness program. This week, I'll be utilizing hops, agility ladder drills and throwing targets with a specific mind towards improving our proprioceptive accuracy!

Your "Lifestyle Application" of Accuracy

You can easily include activities that challenge your sense of accuracy throughout this coming week. Some simple suggestions would include:
  • A game of Darts (perhaps join a league at your local pub).
  • Bowling - Any good bowler knows the value of consistent accuracy!
  • Cornhole has become a standard at any party or get together
  • How about an old fashioned game of Horseshoes!
  • Tai-Chi is a marvelous way to engage your body with a mind towards accuracy (as would be any of the Martial Arts)
These are just a few of the many ways we can utilize our physical sense of accuracy. I'm sure there are many more and I'd LOVE to hear your additional recommendations.

Our Three Daily Attributes This Week

On Monday (day 1), we are going to focus on our Metric Monday attribute of Flexibiltiy
On Wednesday (day 2), we will make sure to include some longer strength routine to touch on the attribute of Stamina (perhaps longer sets of pushups, or modified push ups, core work and leg exercises)
On Friday (day 3) we will definitely pull out the agility ladder and we'll work on some ways we can engage our overall sense of agility

Weekly Workouts Introduction

Weekly Workouts Introduction

Welcome to our "Weekly Workouts" page where I'll describe our fitness week ahead and hopefully share some insight into the methods and means I'll be using in training our senior population.

This is the beginning of a two year fitness regimen which systematically cycles through ten specific fitness attributes on a regular basis. This program is approached with an eye towards improving the lives of seniors who have literally inherited decades of increased longevity. It is our intention therefore, to enable these extra years to be enjoyable, quality years!

These ten specific attributes of:
Strength        Accuracy           Stamina        Balance       Flexibility          
Power            Coordination     Speed            Agility          CV Endurance
will be cycled through on a Monthly, Weekly and Daily basis using a two pronged strategy.

Strategy for Growth

This first prong involves an approach towards growth that is careful, deliberate and focused. For this type of improvement we utilize a monthly cycle that enables our members at least 10 to 12 opportunities to refine their performance for each attribute. The attributes of Accuracy, Stamina, Balance, Power, Coordination, Speed and Agility will be the focus of an entire month twice throughout this initial two year period. Each month will ideally begin with our "Metric Monday" where we simply obtain a concrete metric to empirically determine a baseline from which we can measure future improvements or a decline in performance. Since the attributes of Strength, Flexibility and CV Endurance are recognized as exceptionally valuable, they will be included with every workout we do. They are therefore only included as Monthly Attributes once, at the beginning of our two year cycle.

These monthly periods directed at growth utilizing a progressive overload that will be characterized as "Working Endeavors" in which sufficient effort is expended to qualify as a significant challenge.

A Strategy for Maintenance (The Second Prong)

Along with regular, extended periods of targeted growth, this program finds tremendous value from the "Use It or Lose It" philosophy. If, over a long period of time (think 30 years), we simply and casually engage these "minor" attributes on a regular basis, we are way less likely to lose capacity therein. We may even find we minimally grow and improve. We therefore include a less concentrated weekly and daily cycle of said attributes as an integral part of the program.

These weekly and daily inclusions will be characterized as "Casual or Recreational Endeavors" in which we engage these attributes in more of a spirit of fun! Every week I will also highlight ways in which we can engage these attributes outside of the gym and make their inclusion parts of our lifestyle.

For a complete two year listing of these cycles you may refer to: